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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

**Top Warning Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes**

If somebody has a doubt that he may have diabetes he must look for the following signs and symptoms of diabetes. One thing that should be made clear in the minds that the signs of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are almost the same.

Causes of Diabetes

The reasons behind these symptoms are the elevated glucose levels in the blood of the diabetic person and the insufficient glucose in the cells of the body where it is required. What causes these high glucose levels in the blood of type 1 diabetics is the lack of a hormone termed "insulin". This insufficiency of insulin comes about when the body has assaulted its own beta cells responsible for producing insulin. The reason of the excessive level of glucose in the type 2 diabetics is the development of insulin resistance. Sometimes pregnant women also develop a temporary phase of diabetes termed "gestational diabetes" because of the pregnancy hormones.

Signs of Diabetes

Frequent Urination

This is the foremost warning sign of diabetes. This frequent urination is caused by the excessive amount of the glucose in the blood which the kidney tries to dilute with water. This keeps the bladder of the diabetic constantly full and he has to make frequent trips to washroom.

Increased Thirst

As mentioned the kidneys are taking water from the blood to dilute glucose, so the diabetic may become dehydrated and he frequently feels the urge to drink water.

Sudden Weight Loss

This sign is more prevalent in type 1 diabetics rather than type 2 diabetics. This comes about when the body immune system has attacked the insulin producing beta cells. Without insulin, cells are unable to transform glucose into energy. The cells have to use the muscles and fat cells for the energy. It happens gradually in type 2 diabetics so it is less noticeable there.

Fatigue and Tiredness

Fatigue and tiredness comes into place again because of the scarcity of available energy. As the glucose is not being properly absorbed in the body, the cells become starved of energy which causes the diabetics to feel tired and shaky.

Blurry vision

The elevated blood glucose levels cause the damage to the nerves of the eyes which cause the vision to be blurred. This is the initial stage and if left untreated may cause blindness.

Numbness in hands and feet

The elevated glucose levels cause the damage to the nervous system. Lack of blood circulation in the nerves of the different parts of the body causes the numbness in hands and feet.

If any reader is suffering from any of the above symptoms it is better to consult the doctor. Timely diagnosis can help to reduce the risk of diabetic complications.

Discover the top warning signs and symptoms of diabetes and how you can cure your diabetes naturally at

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

**Preventing Diabetes**

Diabetes is on the rise within the American population today. It is estimated that almost 41 million Americans have pre-diabetes and people with pre-diabetes have a 50/50 chance of developing diabetes within ten years. The medical profession attributes the increase in this disease to the contemporary sedentary lifestyle coupled with high fat intake.

However, diabetes is a very preventable disease and there are strategies you can employ to ensure that you will not develop it. And these involve only simple lifestyle changes.

For instance, an extra hour of sleep each night can do wonders. When you are deprived of sleep, the levels of the stress hormone cortisol rise. Cortisol interferes with the body's attempt to use insulin, a hormone that helps your body regulate blood sugar.

In addition, when people are exhausted they tend to indulge in sweet foods, which can play havoc with blood sugar levels. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night will help keep your blood sugar in balance.

Exercise regularly. A twenty-minute walk each day or three hours of exercise each week will increase your muscles' production of insulin.

Substitute sweet fruits for sweets. Strawberries, grapes, blueberries, melons, bananas all contain soluble fibers. And you need more fiber rich foods to your diet. Bran cereals, wheat germ, beans, and dried peas all help to keep blood sugar levels in check. A bowl of bran cereal topped with fruit is an ideal breakfast to prevent diabetes.

Since magnesium helps your body to process insulin properly, you need to add magnesium-rich foods to your diet. Look for wheat breads, nuts, seeds, and beans. If you don't think you are getting enough magnesium in your diet ask your doctor about a supplement.

Calcium is also important in helping cells utilize insulin. Doctors recommend 1200 mg. of calcium a day or four to five servings of dairy a day. Try milk, yogurt, cheese or cottage cheese.

Calcium is active in preventing diseases other than diabetes, so if you have problems digesting dairy products, definitely ask your doctor about taking a supplement. There are also combination magnesium-calcium supplements available at health food stores.

Another recommended supplement is Vitamin E. Not only does vitamin E increase your body's ability to convert blood sugar to usable energy, it is also a powerful antioxidant that protects your heart and improves the function of your immune system.

Avoid animal fats and opt for plant fats. Cook with sesame oil, olive oil and flax. Incorporate avocados, nuts and peanut butter into your diet. Plant fats improve the body's ability to utilize glucose properly and that helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Substitute sugar free drinks for sodas. Researchers have found that tea and coffee, especially if consumed a half hour before meals, increase insulin production. However, you should use an artificial sweetener instead of sugar or drink it without any sweetener at all.

People who are most at risk for diabetes are those over 45 years of age, who are overweight, have a sedentary lifestyle and have another family member with diabetes.

It is quite possible to have diabetes and not be aware of it, especially in early stages. So people with the above risk factors should definitely request blood sugar tests as part of their annual physical.

Friday, November 7, 2008

**Is Diabetes Related to Obesity?**

The statistics given below are alarming and should not be pushed under the carpet. Federal health agencies need a scientific & independent evaluation of the facts and figures.
According to a recent health report - "The rate of new diabetes cases nearly doubled in the United States in the past 10 years, the government said Thursday. The highest rates were in the South, according to the first state-by-state review of new diagnoses. The worst was in West Virginia, where about 13 in 1,000 adults were diagnosed with the disease in 2005-07. The lowest was in Minnesota, where the rate was 5 in 1,000."
Approximately 90 % of the cases are type 2 diabetes - the form linked to obesity.
This is indeed a matter of introspection for health experts & official agencies.
So why is the percentage so high in the souther states? is it the climate, lifestyle or the food habits?
"It isn't surprising the problem is heaviest in the South - no pun intended," agreed Matt Petersen, who oversees data and statistics for the American Diabetes Association.
According to the Center for Disease Control - "Diabetes was the nation's seventh-leading cause of death in 2006".
In a recent survey, it was disclosed that - "More than 23 million Americans have diabetes, and the number is rapidly growing. About 1.6 million new cases were diagnosed among adults last year".
So what is Type 2 diabetes?
The mechanism of Type 2 diabetes is ..
The cells are not able to utilize insulin properly
As we know Insulin is a hormone needed to convert sugar into energy
The pancreas gradually loses its ability to produce Insulin - which means a build up indisposed sugar in the body
This sugar build up leads to complications such as heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and poor circulation that leads to foot amputations.
According to research conducted by CDC in 40 states for the years 2005-07.
West Virginia, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Texas and Tennessee had the highest rates, all at 11 cases per 1,000 or higher
Puerto Rico was about as high as West Virginia, Minnesota, Hawaii and Wyoming had the lowest rates.
Older people, blacks and Hispanics tend to have higher rates of Type 2 diabetes and the South has large concentrations of all three groups
However, West Virginia is overwhelmingly white.
So race related Type 2 Diabetes theory is still inconclusive. But, what is conclusive is that You are in the danger zone of Type 2 diabetes if you are:
Over weight
lead a sedentary life style
You have no daily physical activity or exercise routine
It does not matter where you, you should consult your doctor if you start gaining weight or have trouble doing small daily activities.
Lets fight Obesity & Type 2 diabetes together!
Author is a healthcare, aromatherapy, natural herbs & culinary Enthusiast.
Also contributes regular articles & blog posts at: &

Thursday, November 6, 2008

**Women, Obesity and Diabetes**

Almost 10 million women in the United States have diabetes. Part of this is the rising trend of longer lifespans. As we live longer, we are more likely to suffer from diabetes. Another part of the problem is that American women are getting bigger. 55% are overweight and 35% are obese. Obesity rates are soaring. One of the results of being overweight is a susceptibility to diabetes.
It is only natural for humans to resist famine and its problems. But in today's society, a shortage of food isn't a problem for the industrialized world. In fact there is plenty of food for everyone. More food = more obesity = more diabetes.
In order for the body to resist famine, the body protects itself with insulin resistance. The muscles do not receive insulin as readily as they should. This function is vital in moderation of blood sugar. This condition goes hand in hand in over half the obese women in the States. The pancreas must work much harder to produce insulin so the muscles are aware it is there.
Having so much food to process forces the pancreas to produce larger amounts of insulin. Eventually the pancreas slows down or completely stops insulin production. When that happens, the blood sugar starts to rise and the symptoms of diabetes such as increased thirst, excessive urination or blurred vision start to happen.
It is a fact that women are more obese than men. Perhaps it is the fact that they live longer than men or the fact that there physical activity is generally lower than men so they accumulate fat on their bodies easier than men. Obesity = increased chance of diabetes.
There are 3 or 4 major risk factors that increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes. One of the major factors is a family history of diabetes. Obesity is another. The statistics show that 80% of people who have diabetes are obese. The other 2 factors are diet and inactive lifestyles.
It appears that minority women are most susceptible to diabetes with Caucasians being the lowest rate by far. Great Britain has the lowest rate of diabetes of anywhere in the world. The Hispanics, Asians and Blacks are next. Native Americans and Pacific Island residents have the highest rate of any particular race.
To decrease the risk of diabetes for women they must keep their weight gain under control. For every one percent of weight gain in study participants over 20 years of age, the risk of heart disease increases by 5%. For that same one percent, the risk of diabetes increases by 10%.
To decrease your risk of diabetes dramatically, use regular exercise. Walking 20 minutes a day dramatically decreases your odds of contracting diabetes.
A healthy diet will also lessen your chances of becoming a diabetic. It is recommended that women get 5 servings of fruits and vegetable a day to prevent diabetes.