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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Everything You Need To Know About Herpes

Herpes is brought by two types of viruses: herpes simplex type 1 and 2. The most unique thing with the virus is that only one in five people show signs of infection. Due to this many people don't know that they have been infected. Signs of Herpes Infection It's good to note that the signs of infection usually show during the first outbreak. This is a period between 2 days and 2 weeks. If you are infected you will have tingling and itchy sensations on your genitalia.

The glands in the groin may become swollen and sensitive and if you aren't knowledgeable enough you may think that you are having flu. You can also have pains in your nerves near the developing blisters. It's also common for blisters and small blisters to appear in genital areas. The blisters last for 24-48 hours, after which they burst leaving you with small, red and painful sores. The sores usually heal after 3-10 days. Other signs include painful urination. Women may have vaginal discharge and they may occasionally be unable to empty their bladders. 

Why Home Health Care Is The Best Option

Have you found yourself in a position that you never thought you would be in? Young or old, it eventually happens to us all at one time or another. Perhaps you were walking down your steps as you do every day, and your foot slips. You wake up the next day to find that you had surgery to fix your two broken legs, a fractured wrist, and a broken arm. Your first thoughts are about your job and how you are going to pay your bills. For some, they have the luxury of a family member or children that are old enough to help. But what if they aren't available?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Herpes and Pregnancy - How to Safeguard Your Unborn Baby

Herpes and pregnancy can occur at the same time. In fact 20% to 25% of pregnant women worldwide have genital herpes - some are active and some are asymptomatic.

Although the mothers-to-be are not at risk, the unborn baby may be in danger.

The degree of risk the baby faces is dependent on three major factors: 

The herpes infection timeline.

Whether antibodies are present in the mother-to-be.
Whether there has been enough time for antibodies to develop in the baby before the onset of labor.
Let me explain:
As a result of a herpes primary infection, the system produces antibodies to the particular type of virus involved.

If a woman contracts herpes, approximately six weeks after the primary outbreak the resultant antibodies in her system will prevent infection of an additional form of her particular HSV infection.

What's more important regarding herpes and pregnancy, after six to nine weeks, the baby will acquire antibodies via the placenta.

Once that has happened, it is extremely difficult for cross infection to occur while the infant is still in the womb. It also makes it unlikely that the baby will become infected if the mother happens to be in the viral shedding stage during birth.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Herpes With Pregnancy - Things You Need To Know

The herpes simplex virus is contagious and can be passed on easily through direct contact. Children are likely to come in contact with HSV-1 from infected adults. Be it genital herpes or cold sores, once you are infected with herpes, it stays for life. There's a small risk of complication during pregnancy, if you are infected with herpes. But as the condition can be devastating, it is imperative to undertake and follow certain preventive measures that would reduce the risk of infection.


If a mother acquires herpes before getting pregnant, she is very unlikely to transmit the infection to the infant. The antibodies will protect the baby from contracting herpes. Moreover, doctors can help protect the baby with proper and suitable medications. In case the mother is infected during late pregnancy, the baby is at a greater risk and has a real chance to contracting herpes. The mother does not have antibodies to act against the herpes virus in this case.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Is Aspirin Easy to Use?

Aspirin to some, acetylsalicylic acid to others, this synthetic compound helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. So it comes to no surprise that many doctors recommend it when dealing with fevers or pain recovery. A few even believe it can help prevent heart attacks.

But is this pill really some sort wonder pill? Aspirin is already a source to use to help reduce fevers, relieve pain especially in muscular joints, and stop headaches. Now a study earlier this year suggests aspirin can combine with enzyme GAPDH which causes human cells to die on purpose.

By limiting GAPDH, aspirin could limit cell death and thus stop diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Another recent study shows that daily usage of a low doses (81-100 milligrams or less) of aspirin for at least a decade can reduce the threat of cancer up to 35-50 percent. These studies are coming out now because scientists only recently began to figure out why aspirin works even though it has been regularly used for more than a century. Its medicinal uses were actually first theorized way back around 400 B.C. by a physician named Hippocrates. He claimed that if a bark of a willow tree was ground into powder, it could treat pains and fevers. Because of his work and discovers, Hippocrates is now regarded as the father of modern medicine.

Yet it wasn't until 1829 when the salicin was a compound found in the bark as the real reason for the successful treatment. Salicin helps in headaches, but is hard on the stomach and cause bleeding in the digestive tract. Decades later, the compound was mixed in with sodium and acetyl chloride, thus creating acetylsalicylic acid. By 1899, the German pharmaceutical company Bayer had trademarked the name Aspirin and was selling the pill for medicinal purposes. Oddly, it wasn't until the 1970s when scientists began to figure out how aspirin worked.

Aspirin reduces pain by limiting prostoglandins, a hormone-like compound formed by the body's enzymes. When in pain, prostoglandins are created to provide neural response to the brain. With aspirin bonding with them, it limits the process and limits the pain. The compound also is bond with platelets which initiates blood clotting. The bonding again limits the process, helping to prevent blood clots. Aspirin also affects the hypothalamus which regulates body temperature, thus causing fevers to go down. However, prostoglandins also do some good as it is the compound which keeps stomach lining thick.

Taking aspirin too often can cause stomach bleeding as the lining are no longer keeping the stomach acids contained to just digesting one's food intake. Also, the benefits of aspirin can sometimes be overstated. While it can reduce a second heart attack, it won't stop heart attacks or strokes from occurring in people with no previous hereditary issue. Even the safety coating of aspirin to protect against stomach bleeding could only result in the small intestine to suffer from bleeding. Still, many doctors recommend many people to take it every day, but should they?

Those who do take it regularly should be on the lookout for potential negative side effects. Also, aspirin isn't for everyone. People who have stomach ulcers and bleeding disorders shouldn't be taking aspirin. Some people are allergic to aspirin or ibuprofen. Children under ages of 16 shouldn't take it unless under specific medical supervision. Speaking of medical supervision, there are other groups who should be wary of taking aspirin and should consult a physician before doing so.

Those include people who suffer from asthma, who have liver and kidney problems, or women late in their pregnancies. So while aspirin can be safe for some, it could produce more harmful effects for others. In other words, be sure to consult with a doctor about one's medical condition before using it daily.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Botox - Know the Pros and Cons

Botox injections have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for most common cosmetic procedures performed today. This includes eliminating frown lines, crow's feet, and other facial wrinkles. Some other uses of Botox are to relieve uncontrollable tightening of the neck muscles, migraine headaches, eyelid muscles, and to control severe underarm sweating.

The consensuses among many people who have had Botox injections are that they are very happy with the results. However, Botox may not be right for everyone and more importantly the results will depend on the skill of the practitioner injecting the drug.

What is Botox? It is a purified neurotoxin that is made by a distinct kind of bacteria. Neurotoxins are toxic substances that usually damage or destroy neurons, which are the main building blocks of our nervous system. When a tiny amount of the neurotoxin, not bacteria, is skillfully injected in the right spot, anti-aging results happen such as facial wrinkles disappearing. If bacteria were to be ingested, the result would be botulism, which is a dangerous disease of the nervous system.

Botox temporarily prohibits neurons from communicating with muscles where it is injected. The elimination of frown lines and skin creases is because the muscle is unable to move under the skin. To maintain a smooth brow, retreatment every 3 to 6 months is recommended.

Before you invest in a Botox procedure know the pros and cons.


Botox injections are a quick simple procedure done in a doctor's office
No downtime - you can resume to work and other activities
Fast results
Many people are satisfied with the results and return for re-treatments.

Results are only temporary
Bruising or bleeding at the injection site are possible side effects
Treatment costs can vary anywhere from $200 to $500 per facial area. The doctor's experience and country location may also factor into the cost
Not knowing if your doctor is using a FDA approved Botox serum
Safety should always be taken before any Botox procedure. Thing to keep in mind:

Ensure that the doctor is an experienced specialist in either dermatology or facial plastic surgery.
Inquire how many years the doctor has been in practice and how many patients they have treated with Botox injections over the past year.
Ensure that the Botox being injected is an authentic product.
Refrain from taking any ibuprofen (i.e. Advil or Motrin) or aspirin for a week before a Botox treatment to minimize bruising and bleeding.
Botox treatment when done properly is safe and effective and produces stunning results. The key is to do your home and find the right doctor.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Prostate Cancer Signs, Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests and Treatment Options

Let's begin with the basics. Prostate is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system which is present right under the bladder and in front of the rectum. Prostate cancer generally starts with abnormal growth in the gland cells. The size and the shape of the gland cells may be altered. Even today, prostate cancer is very common among older men.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms that indicate the possibility of prostate cancer are:

  • Urine flow is interrupted or weak.
  • Sudden surges to urinate.
  • Patient may have to urinate more frequently - especially at night.
  • Trouble urinating.
  • Patient may experience pain or burning while urinating.
  • Blood in the urine stream.
  • Pain in the back, hips and pelvis that does not go away.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Dizziness, pale skin and tired feeling.
If you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms, make sure you consult your doctor immediately.

Diagnostic tests
There are several tests that can be used to detect and diagnose this cancer. Here are a few of them:
  • Physical exam: This includes observing the patient for all the above mentioned signs and symptoms. It also includes a physical examination to detect any abnormal growth or lumps on the prostate gland. In short, it is a procedure that helps detect any unusual growth in the gland. The doctor may also ask questions about the patient's health habits and past illnesses as well as the treatments taken.
  • Digital Rectal Exam: In this process, the doctor or nurse may insert a lubricated gloved finger into the rectum in order to examine the prostate gland for lumps.
  • Prostate Specific Antigen Test: This examination measures the level of PSA in the blood. PSA is found in greater amounts in the blood of patients suffering from prostate cancer.
  • Trans-rectal Ultrasound: A probe is inserted into the rectum which is used to detect cancer. High energy sound waves are bounced back. These are used to create an image of the body tissues called as sonogram.
  • MRI: A strong magnet, radio waves and a computer is used to create images of the areas inside the body. A probe is inserted in the rectum which helps the MRI machine to create clear images of the prostate and the nearby tissues. This can also detect whether the cancer has spread to the nearby tissues.
  • Biopsy: This includes the removal of a few cells from the prostate gland so that they can be observed under a microscope.
Treatment options
Treatment options and recovery chances are generally decided after the stage of the cancer is diagnosed. This means that it is necessary to understand how much of the prostate gland is affected by the cancer and how much has it spread to other parts of the body. The other important factor is the age of the patient and whether the cancer is diagnosed for the first time or has reoccurred. Prostate cancer treatment options are plenty and the good news is that most patients who are diagnosed with this cancer do not die of it.

Friday, January 1, 2016

High Blood Pressure and Its Relation With Sleep

One in every three adults are reported to have a problem of high blood pressure and two of three people with diabetes are estimated to have it too.

High Blood Pressure is often termed as a "silent killer"- as you would not know about it until your health care provider figures it out when you give a visit to him.

Hypertension can also lead to risk factors like heart attack and heart failure, as with this serious condition, the heart cannot pump enough blood required by the body. In addition to this, this has serious implications on:

The Brain: High BP (Hypertension) is considered as the most critical risk factor for stroke.

Vision: It may even cause blurred or impaired vision or even worse, as could result in blindness also.

Arteries: Plague buildup in arteries could also be one of the reasons for hypertension as this will make your heart and kidney work harder.

Kidneys: It can also lead to narrow blood vessels in kidneys due to which kidneys don't function properly and toxins builds up in the blood.

Are there any warning signs of High blood pressure?

Well, in most of the cases, there are rarely any symptoms. People usually relate it to increased levels of stress, nervousness and tension, but the truth is that even a relaxed person can have high blood pressure.

So instead of assuming on your own, the best way to know if you have hypertension is by getting it checked by your health care provider. This should be done regularly as this disease of elevated blood pressure can develop over time. Prompt treatment of it can also reduce your risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and heart attack.

High Blood pressure and Sleep apnea

Missing out on sleep can leave you feeling irritated and slow-witted in the morning, but let us tell you that the consequence does not end here. Over the time, sleep may also take a toll on your heart and BP.

High BP and Sleep apnea are associated with each other and the studies show that it can result in even graver conditions like heart failures, irregular heart rates and heart related diseases. The simple reason for hypertension with Sleep apnea are sudden drops in oxygen levels due to sleep apnea which will increase the blood pressure and stress will be put on heart.

How to control High Blood Pressure?

The risk factors like age, family history and ethnicity are among the ones that are not in our control. So when we talk about the preventive measures for hypertension, our focus would be on the factors that you can actually change.

Try to follow the below mentioned lifestyle changes to eliminate any reasons for high blood pressure and to bring down the numbers in case of elevated blood pressure.

Maintain Healthy weight - People who are overweight should look for methods to lose weight and get a healthy body. Talk with your doctor about the ideal weight you can have and try to achieve it.

Follow a balanced diet - Taking a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables and limiting your intake of calories, fat and sugar will surely help in eliminating even the minor signs.

Cut back on salt - Living on a low-sodium diet helps in keeping the symptoms of high blood pressure at bay. You should cut back on your total salt intake per day by avoiding high-sodium processed foods and by limiting the use of salt in your daily meals.

Do regular Exercise - A moderate exercise of about 30 minutes, three times in a week will be a good start to control hypertension. Furthermore, keep in mind, the more you exercise the better.

Limit the alcohol consumption - Drinking too much of alcohol leads to hypertension. Thus, one should limit its intake to get a hold of the symptoms of high blood pressure.

Monitor your blood pressure - Above all, it is very important to get your blood pressure checked at regular intervals of period. In case, your doctor determines that you are at an increased risk of developing hypertension, he may recommend you extra steps as a safety.

Check for Sleep Apnea - Your uncontrolled blood pressure, despite of prescribed medications could also be the result of sleep apnea. So, its better you meet a sleep physician and on his advice, undergo polysomnography to get diagnosed for sleep apnea. They may recommend you a treatment to bring down your BP.