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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ebola Virus Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Ebola Symptoms
Health care is very important, because there are many danger viruses. Ebola Virus disease (EVD) is a life threatening and contagious disease which is contracted by human beings as well as primates. It is a hemorrhagic fever; caused by ebolaviruses also known as "filoviruses" (they are from the virus family "filivoridae"). There are five viruses that are included in ebolaviruses, four of which infect human beings while the fifth infects other animals.

Two simultaneous outbreaks in 1976 marked the first appearance of this disease. One of those outbreaks was in Sudan, while the Democratic Republic of Congo was the other country to be affected. The first case that appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo was near the Ebola River, and so the disease got named after this river.

The viruses that cause Ebola are initially transmitted to human beings by contact with an infected animal (the virus mostly affects fruit bats, monkeys and apes) after which the disease spreads from one individual to the other. Physical contact as well as exposure to the bodily fluids of an infected person can cause the disease to spread.

After eight to ten days of being infected by the virus some early signs and symptoms that may indicate the onset of the disease are fever, severe headache, muscular pain, chills, exhaustion and weakness. These symptoms are likely to become more pronounced over time. Other indicators which help diagnose Ebola are red and inflamed eyes (eyes may even bleed), raised rash, chest pain and cough, stomach aches, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, noticeable weight loss, and internal bleeding.

Since these symptoms are pretty similar to those of typhoid and malaria, it is not easy for a medical practitioner to diagnose EVD. Once a doctor is of the opinion that a patient has contracted this virus, two blood tests can confirm if the individual is infected or not, these are known as Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Medical specialists have thus far been unable to develop any vaccine or anti-viral drug for this fatal disease, but the World Health Organization is actively seeking a cure. In the mean time, healthcare providers are using some basic intervention methods in an attempt to save the lives of infected individuals. These include injecting intravenous fluids (IV), providing body salts (balancing electrolytes), ensuring constant oxygen supply and keeping blood pressure normal as well as stable. Immediate treatment should be given if the patient develops any other infections.

Preventive methods that can limit the disease from spreading are to isolate those who are infected, and ensure that medical care is given in a private ward so as keep other patients from contracting Ebola. Furthermore healthcare specialists should be very careful while disposing syringes and needles. They should wear gloves and face masks, and they should make sure that they themselves are not at risk by avoiding direct contact with the bodily fluids (e.g. blood) of an Ebola patient. Furthermore, the disease is also known to spread even after the death of the infected individual, so family and friends who are mourning the death of a loved one who had Ebola should avoid physical contact with the deceased, particularly his/her bodily fluids.


Monday, May 16, 2016

How High Is Your Risk of Skin Cancer?

scHealth care is very important. Millions of people around the world are diagnosed with skin cancer every year. This condition is treatable in the early stages of its development. It can be effectively prevented as well. Find out whether you are at high risk so that you can take the right measures for prevention as soon as possible.

Complexion Matters

People with any complexion can get skin cancer. However, some are at greater risk than others. These are the people who have fair skin, blond or red hair and blue or green eyes. The fairer your complexion is the lower the amount of melanin in your skin is. Melanin works to protect your skin cells from the damaging UV rays of the sun. Hence, when it is in lower amount the risk of sun damage and tumour growth is greater.

Sun Exposure and Sunburns

Individuals who stay under the sun for long hours on a regular basis are at greater risk. The list includes people with certain occupations such as road workers and professional and non-professional athletes who practice outside. Those who use tanning beds and lamps on a regular basis are also at higher risk. You have to know that tanning is just the way in which your body protects the skin cells from UV damage.

Sunburns also put you at greater risk of skin cancer. People who had more than one occasion of blistering sunburn during their childhood or adolescence are more likely to develop this condition in adulthood. Generally, individuals who are prone to sunburns are at higher risk as well.

Mole Number and Size

Those people who have a large number of moles on their body are at greater risk of this condition and more precisely at greater risk of melanoma. Typically, those who have over 50 moles on their body are more likely to develop the condition compared to the rest of the population. Similarly, individuals who have over three large moles with diameter greater than 6 mm are at higher risk. These moles must be examined by a dermatologist on a regular basis.

Family History

Individuals who have a family history of this condition are at higher risk of developing it. This is especially true for those who have a parent or a sibling that has suffered from this condition. In the same way, people who have had this condition in the past are at greater risk of getting it again.

If you are at high risk of skin cancer, you must have regular skin examinations and take all important measures for protecting your skin from the UV rays of the sun.

Take advantage of one of the most efficient medical methods for Skin Cancer prevention and early detection used in New Zealand. Protect yourself and your loved ones in the best possible way.