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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Exercises to Burn Belly Fat Longer

Exercises to Burn Belly Fat Longer
Exercises to burn belly fat help to increase strength and overall fat burning, but there are two other factors that need to be considered as exercises for belly fat burning as well. Those are our diet, what we eat and how often we eat, and the other is the management of our stress levels.

Belly fat burning exercises are complemented by the quality and quantity of the food we take in. There should be an avoidance of processed foods, cookies, fast food and sodas. Throughout the day, we should increase the frequency of our meals to 5-6 times per day, eating meals that are balanced in all components of the basic food groups. When we control the amount of food we eat, we can optimize our workouts and allow our bodies to utilize and burn fat to achieve that flat stomach.

The exercises to burn our belly fat should be made up of physical activities that will expend more energy that we take in from the foods we eat. A by-product of increased physical activity is the development and production of strength in the muscles, which causes more metabolic activity to occur. The increased metabolic processes also allow our bodies to burn fat as an energy source, well after our workout is finished.

Our bodies have a way of surviving and maintaining energy supplies when it feels it is in danger. When we have high levels of stress, our bodies produce the Cortisol hormone, which stores fat in our stomach area. Stress causes the body to hold onto the fat, so that it can be used as an energy source for survival.

Having increased abdominal fat is a health risk and could lead to heart disease, diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure.

Stress management exercises can help flatten our stomach. Controlling our stress will allow us to better optimize our diet intake and our physical activity to burn our belly to flatten our stomach.

Belly fat burning exercises in addition to diet and stress management will definitely help kick start your system and burn the fat from the belly region. In doing so the results will be longer lasting and more permanent. All it takes is a commitment to make the necessary changes and step-by-step, our belly fat will be burnt away.